Quickstart guide: Enterprise Load Balancer ADC for Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Quickstart guide: Enterprise Load Balancer ADC for Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

AWS / Azure / GCP Published on 2 mins Last updated

You'll be glad to hear that the load balancer experts are now supporting Google Cloud. Our quick-start guide is here to help you get to grips with this increasingly popular platform - just follow the straightforward steps below.

From the GCP marketplace listing select Loadbalancer.org Enterprise MAX from the Google Cloud Launcher console and click Launch on Compute Engine.


Configure the Instance for deployment

  1. Enter a name for your instance
  2. Select the Machine type, for most deployments an n1-standard is suitable
  3. Add extra ports to the firewall that would like to load balance, this can also be configured later
  4. Select Deploy


Getting Started

To get started with the load balancer login to the web interface on https://{ instance-public-ip}:9443. The load balancer generates a new self signed certificate on boot. If you see a warning about this it is safe to proceed.

You will be prompted to login, the username is loadbalancer and the password is the generated password shown on the deploy page.


You are now logged into the load balancer and can start the configuration. For help with a specific application you may wish to look at one of our deployment guides.


That's everything! If you have any problems, issues or suggestions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our team. Remember, full support is included even with a free trial.