A comprehensive guide to log monitoring with ModSecurity and HAProxy
With numerous options available, choosing and configuring the right tool can be daunting.
With numerous options available, choosing and configuring the right tool can be daunting.
How frustrating do you find it when hackers or robots fill in your website forms with "Buy Viagra Now!" type spam?
The Web Application Firewall is based on ModSecurity which is an open source WAF for Apache, IIS, and Nginx for protecting against a many variety of attacks and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring and logging.
Let me first say that I'm not really a fan of PCI scanners. It's not so much that I'm anti security scanners but rather that scanning for vulnerabilities based on only the version number a package returns seems rather simplistic to me.
Any engineer dealing with PCI DSS compliance issues probably looses a little bit of the joy in life.