The F5 load balancer alternative turning heads
If you're an F5 customer thinking of moving to an alternative, then you're not alone.
If you're an F5 customer thinking of moving to an alternative, then you're not alone.
While data storage was simple once upon a time – it isn’t anymore.
In this ever-evolving business world, flexibility is the key to long-term success.
The explosion of information in our everyday lives has driven the technology market to create newer, faster technologies to cater for the storage and access to the data created.
If you think migrating your load balancers to virtual or cloud would cost you big bucks, we've got some good news. Our Freedom License offers customers seamless migration – absolutely free!
So many companies enforce end-of-life (EOL) on their products, but our customers are free to choose when to upgrade their appliances. Unlike our competitors, we don’t EOL our products.
I often hear that AWS seems expensive, in most cases, this is because people are not fully aware of the best cost-saving practices. Amazon offers many tools to help keep costs down and is always working to improve on these. One such recent improvement is the new "AWS Savings Plans".
I didn't ask anything about the load balancer's features, because we already know the market is mature and I have no unusual requirements. I also didn't ask about the load balancer's maximum performance.
The primary function of a load balancer is to keep your application running with no downtime. It is an invaluable tool for systems architects, and it has the benefit of being pretty simple to understand.
We were delighted last week to host Smoothwall for a day with our team. Fuelled by coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts, our discussions helped us learn from one another so that we can work together even more effectively.
Typically, Citrix NetScaler customers have a few hundred load-balanced clusters, with 3+ Gbps and 10,000+ SSL transactions per second (TPS). Whereas your typical Kemp customer will have 2-5 load balanced clusters with less than 100 Mbps throughput and less than 5 SSL TPS.
We have built upon our existing strengths in virtualized environments to become Nutanix certified, with the addition of support for Nutanix AHV positions.
One of the top themes that has come up in our users’ reviews is their unparalleled technical support:
It's really annoying when people believe that something traditional (proven to work) is somehow worse, than something that is modern (looks like a cool idea).
Several people visiting our stand mentioned the announcement that Kemp Technologies had released a free load balancer. Understandably, they were interested to hear if we would be responding in kind.
My first piece of code was an animated fish tank (because I wasn't allowed a real one). I soon started dreaming of being a software developer and started learning machine code.
Our aim is always to deliver the features you want, without presenting you with a deluge of checkboxes. Anything out of the ordinary can be achieved via a separate manual configuration - and we are always happy to build one for you.
As I design, build and sell load balancers based on LVS and HAProxy, it’s in my interests to combat the avalanche of NGINX+ marketing propaganda that I've seen over the last year. Let's call it an attempt to skewer fake news.
I dream of a world where people stop calling a *link balancer* a *load balancer* — because we don't sell link balancers!
You can check directly what customers having been telling Gartner about Loadbalancer.org, JetNexus, Barracuda Networks and Kemp Technologies on the new Peer Insights platform.
We're proud to announce that we have achieved Advanced Technology Partner status with Amazon Web Services (AWS), the leading platform for public cloud infrastructure-as-a-service.
If you are trying to decide which load balancer product is right for your business, you’ve probably already discovered that it’s a market of two extremes.
We have been fortunate to serve some of the biggest names in their respective industries because they recognised our best assets.
If you want to test your site against this kind of attack, slow attacks like this are quite inexpensive for attackers to launch, and they don't need control of many remote hosts in order to launch an effective attack.
Simply reeling off a list of product benefits doesn’t cut it.
A pair of F5s is a great solution, but mainly if you need to run a crazy number of applications and servers through a single device. In that case, you definitely need an expensive, complicated, over-specified and over-engineered single point of failure.