Mark Brookes
Mark works as the development manager at Away from work, Mark plays a lot of Frisbee and enjoys mountain biking. Other hobbies include compiling drivers into the Linux Kernel.
HAProxy is awesome. So awesome in fact, that here at HQ - I find it very difficult to generate enough load to break let's try harder!
There are a lot of SSL offload throughput statistics available for appliances across the internet but rarely do they detail the way they were tested
Does it seem like some appliance vendors go out of their way to make hardware recovery and licencing as difficult as possible?
This script was designed primarily to be tied into Ldirectord but feel free to adapt it to your needs, and if you do make changes dont be a stranger post your adaptations below!
A couple of customers asked if our appliances would do G-Zip compression. In the past we hadn't given it much thought until someone offered us a card to test it!
The vast majority of layer 4 load balancers use LVS in two-arm NAT mode.